Sutmae a croeso i Calon y Ddraig! Hello and welcome to Calon y Ddraig (CAH-lone uh Thr-eye-g) which is Welsh for “Heart of the Dragon”- my Integrative Soul Work Practice making space for deep integrative healing here in the heart of Texas! It is my greatest joy and passion to help folks develop and deepen their relationships with what I call the seven bridges between the physical and soul realms – the directions, the elements, animal energies, plant energies, movement, sound and the ancestors – as we weave together current lifetime, past incarnation and ancestral threads to remember together our closely woven interdependence within the greater web of connection with all beings. Thank you for your presence here and I hope that you find nourishment and resonance as you navigate around.
My name is Eamon Willow Davies, MSSW, and I come to this healing work through my Celtic and Germanic roots, my paternal lineage having primarily immigrated from Wales and Scotland and my maternal lineage primarily from Prussia (present-day Germany/Austria) and Ireland. I am a depth creature at heart and have been consciously and actively honing the skills of the weaver for the past two decades as I continue to integrate and evolve the archetypes of the warrior, mystic, artist and healer within me into the reality that is Calon y Ddraig today.
As many of the European folk healing paths are no longer in-tact traditions, having been systematically demonized and severed as a result of the colonization of Europe by the Church and other patriarchal forces, my journey in re-connecting with this lost wisdom, like for so many others, has been quite labyrinthine. The warrior in me was first cultivated many years ago through nine years of active duty service in the Navy; the mystic in me through nearly five years of pre-ministerial coursework and staff service at Unity Church of the Hills here in Austin; and the artist and healer in me through almost 15 years as a former clinical social worker and dance/movement therapy alternate route student and as an ongoing student of the shamanic arts under the mentorship of Karen Hutchins in Sandra Ingerman’s teaching lineage.
Each of these threads became part of the archetypal foundation on which I now stand as an animistic practitioner honoring the beingness in all things and deeply committed to helping others reconnect with their authentic voice, truth and path through engaged embodiment and the reclamation of the gifts of sensitive receptivity and discernment. It is in unearthing and owning these gifts that we again become able to hear, see, feel and respond to the deep healing and re-balancing work that the Earth and all of her beings – past, present & future – are so fervently calling us to do at this crucial time in our history as a species.
Podcast interview on “Beyond the Illusion”
For more about my journey and the work with the ancestors that I am so passionate about, please check out my recent podcast interview (recorded under my previous name and Shamanic Practice) on Tim Howe and Tianna Roser’s “Beyond the Illusion” podcast:
Integrative Soul Work
“Integrative Soul Work” is the term I’ve come to use to describe a way of looking at our lives through a lens of free and bound energy flow and then considering the present lifetime personal and systemic threads as well as past-life and ancestral threads, both resource- and trauma-based, that weave together to form these different states. Where we are able to identify resource threads, these can be deepened by allowing them to become more conscious and by entering into more of an actively reciprocal relationship with them. Where we are able to identify trauma (whether personal, systemic, previous incarnation and/or intergenerational), these threads can be untangled, metabolized and integrated over time through slowing, asking for additional support from resourceful energies in both the physical and soul planes, and bearing witness to the stories that these threads carry that have heretofore gone unseen and unheard. At it’s core, this tracking and untangling of threads is the domain of the weaver archetype.
Prior to the execution of so very many folk healers across Europe in the Middle Ages and beyond at the hands of representatives of the Church and the Feudal Lord system (see Lyla June’s essay on Reclaiming Roots of European Indigeneity and her music video, Mamwlad, for more on this), many of the Goddess energies revered by these skilled and gifted healers were spinners and weavers (see Max Dashu’s amazing work around this through the Suppressed Histories Archive). The archetype of the weaver as one who can hold awareness and track the interplay of multiple energetic themes and threads across space and time in the service of a co-creative relationship with the flow of Universal Energy is one that I strongly identify with myself and help others to reclaim within themselves. Sadly, I find this archetype which is non-linear and deeply spiral-based and labyrinthine in its nature, is often pathologized within the more linear and efficiency-focused dominant overculture of “Whiteness” in the West.
As such, I offer one-on-one integrative soul work sessions for those who are interested in deepening their walk here in the physical world with an eye on and attention to the wisdom and intersecting threads underlying this journey in the soul plane. The primary entryway into the soul realm, whether it be connection with the elements, plants, animals and/or ancestors, is often the felt sense of the physical body in the present. When combined with and channeled through each person’s unique gifts of sensitivity, active engagement with this felt sense and it’s underlying soul wisdom often opens up whole new worlds of understanding, choice, possibility, and healing, not only for ourselves in the present, but for those further back in our lineage and those who are yet to come.
Integrative soul work often dovetails into and out of some of the more commonly-known shamanic healing rituals such as soul retrieval and curse extraction, as places of bound energy and authentic power make themselves known for release, removal and transformation according to each person’s authentic rhythm and timing.
Shamanic Rituals
As needed, I offer the following shamanic rituals in which I journey on your behalf or on behalf of an animal, system, being or land with your (& their) consent to:
- retrieve and return soul essences that have been lost or trapped along your/their life/karmic path (soul retrieval)
- identify and remove harmful bound energy patterns (curses) from your/their energetic field that may be impeding the ability to move forward with life in the way that you/they would like (curse extraction)
- support earthbound energies/spirits who are have gotten stuck or lost in their transition to the ancestral realm following the death of their physical bodies (psychopomp)
- connect with the energetic ecosystem of a piece of land to listen for what is out of balance and what is needing to be witnessed, done and/or offered to open up a deeper relationship between those who currently own the responsibility for the agreement with the land and the connected web of energies and beings who inhabit that land (land clearing/alignment)
Often times, a particular ritual or clearing may end up involving more than one of the above.
If you are interested in learning more about Calon y Ddraig offerings and services and/or if you’d like to inquire about setting up an initial phone call to further discuss the possibilities of engaging in integrative soul work, professional consultation or any of my upcoming classes and events, please call or e-mail at the contact info below or feel free to submit an inquiry through the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Eamon Willow Davies, MSSW
Shamanic Practitioner
(512) 560-7294
Most Calon y Ddraig services and classes typically live at the Healing House at 701 Morrow Street, Austin, TX 78752. Individual sessions are also available via phone and Zoom.